
I would not be surprised at all.

Can't talk about my pop culture weekend until after Twin Peaks. I have a Twin Peaks problem. I am actually getting excited for Sunday nights.

To me the vocal style and general sound seem typical pop. The lyrics may be more inventive than average, which I like. Maybe it's the old age talking but I am tired of the typical smooth pop sound that seems to be de rigueur over the past decade or more.

They don't actually know anything about the play. They hear about this "evil liberal creation" through talk radio, cable news, or the Breitbart news website. Some of them forget the name. They mentally condense it into "evil secular libtards."

Will all of their flaws I'd still be incredibly relieved if one of them took Trump's place

We all know who the evil one was in that administration and it wasn't Dubya.

Welcome to being a normal human.

I don't know. When you're president of the United States and you lie constantly it's probably better if you are held accountable. I wouldn't call the list hounding. It's more like a sad catalog.

That's my best guess

Stimpy knew the answer. Ren? Not so much.

I did wonder how he understood the guy.

At least it would be an honest policy. We are moving towards a horrific Darwinist future. We might as well be up front about it and enjoy worshiping the rotting pigs head on a stickā€¦ I mean, our president.

"Swimfanfan, you're tearing me apart."


He's on a cholesterol med. We're all doomed.

Do you have to pay a toll to get into this boy's soul?

I get it. Can't blame you.

Why do you hate it?

Never ever have seen it. People who do see it freak me out.

That could be. Im gonna listen and watch again.