
Technically, yes, I think. But somehow in this twilight zone we now call our country I don't know if it matters anymore.

Nah, it's normal for Trump. Trump is remarkably, remarkably vindictive.

Damn… Melissa McCarthy is going to have to learn a new impression.

Trump does so much he isn't supposed to do it's hard to call him out on everything. Between the family profiteering, the disdain for science and NATO, the constant lies and that pesky little Russia thing I think thr tweets are the least of it. And they are entertaining. Normal boundaries and rules went out the window

So isn't the "Spike" guy just going to try to kill Cooper again? Glad to see Coop is on the qui vive, though. It's odd because walking seems like a challenge to him but the little Ike the Spike guy had no chance.

The entire dog leg thing freaks me out……

It was great. That's talent

The meeting between Diane and Evil Coop was so creepy. Having the entire room dark just enhanced the fear and dread. How MacLachlan looked so horrifically demonic, I don't know. The flesh was almost dripping off his face with the dead evil eyes. I almost couldn't watch.
And who didn't see his release coming? Evil Coop

Or it could mean that you're full of crap on multiple subjects, as Stone seems to be.

I'm upset by this. His victims deserved better. I'm also completely angered and disgusted by the Castille verdict. Justice is a figment, apparently.

Both are apt.

I feel like Kyle McLaughlan is doing an amazing job and I feel that this slow denouement is perfect. I bet real Coop is back soon. He's already wearing the black suit again. In the meantime there is plenty of entertainment. I'm having a ball, seriously. (Although the kid being hit by Horne was pretty painful)

Well that too. And that guy loves his ice pick thing.

I don't think it's going to last the entire season. He's already giving clues to his boss and remembering his transition. Also, he's back in the black suit. He's on his way back.

I think it will be soon. Hopefully I'm right.

Am I the only one who is worried that as soon as Dale Cooper is back, I mean, really back, Janey E and Sonny Jim will disappear into the ether like the real Dougie? I think the entire Jones family may be temporary. I could be wrong.

Call 119

Yeah, but the wig should be easy to find.

You know you're dealing with a clone when, well, there's no belly button. Just ask Marge. In the end, though, does it really matter which Homer we are sleeping with?

I can feel the love.. truly.