
I think he's waking up for good. He had the black suit on!

Was the Naomi Watts speech filmed before or after the November election? I'm just curious. I'm guessing we don't know but I think likely before. It just seems so apt now. So satisfying.

No no …do not worry. You will go to that special farm in the sky and see all your old pets again, though.

Adam West…Aaadam Weest..

My husband watches RT. I try to tell him that on the subject of Putin and Russia, they are obviously untrustworthy. They try to conflate the democrats and the republicans as both part of our corporate government, which is true..to a point. They neglect to mention the huge gap between the two parties and the entire,

Or a dementor…. no wait, that's Bannon.

I cannot have enough of these shows (Although the opioid epidemic does soind tempting.) The President Show is wonderful. I don't know why it hasn't had more acclaim. The guy does a weird Trump imitation but the idea of actually having "Trump" host the show makes this one different. And the fact that they routinely go

Right? Me too. Me too.

It's not your normal pacing and the visual information is not what people are used to. I love it.

Yeah, rumor is that he was too busy with Blackstar and trying to get it finished before the inevitable. A cameo would be so amazing but I think it's unlikely.

The entire time I'm like "Take him to the hospital!" "Can't you realize he has no clue?!" Very frustrating. But then you realize that he materialized through an electrical outlet and that you just need to sit back and enjoy the ride.

And it was fun and painful to watch. Maybe one day he'll learn to plot out the way to the bathroom in advance.

You know,the room full of chimpanzees with typewriters.

Hmmm, the Big Lebowski is pretty summery.

You are allowed to say anything you want. But why mock people after a tragedy? It's not a good look.

I'm exhausted this morning. I didn't mean to stay awake but I couldn't sleep for a couple hours after watching this. I was excited and also a bit scared to go to sleep in a dark room.

It's just raining….. on my face.

I, for one, welcome our Trumpian overlords.

Seeing him tonight. Never heard of him so doing my research! Sounds interesting.