
Yeah, early info says suicide but I don't think it's certain yet.

You know, some people collect stamps or get into photography. Maybe go outside and get some fresh air.

I just keep waiting for this administration to spontaneously combust … or at least their drummer.

What is it about Tony Hale? He is so great at these characters. I still miss Buster.

Her relief at having only cardiac ischemia/near heart attack instead of the dreaded menopause was perfect.

Speaking of band names, the GOP should change their name to "You will know us by the trail of the dead"

It's the national motto. It's going to be on our money soon.


I enjoyed it. Having her give speeches as a whcd host over the last century and a half was hilarious and an excellent tool for political commentary. The opening was terrific. The end was just. Sad and wistful.

Is that you, Elliot? Elliot?

I cannot bear it

I am so tired of Trump. It feels like ten years already. I am not tired of Trump parody, however. I need this.

We need this. Part of me is so incredibly sick of Trump. But part of me thinks "Well, if I have to see him it's going to be in parody form, damn it."

Like the Debussy (pretty sure it was) in ft trailer.


Rachael Ray ….


I am old. I was three for the first man on the moon.


He will stand his ground.