
Yeah. I was sure he was a goner.

I find Grimes' music to be fun.

It didn't give us plot movement or new information. It did provide a framework and an atmosphere. Sort of like the intro to a song that is the verse but simpler

I do not think it's clear yet at all. Maybe he was never at his mother's house? Most people think this entire season has been from jail.

I like the look. She has a modern clean look. The eyes are the only dramatic part. Brings out her cheekbones.

I liked the show. Larry is great. His WH correspondents speech was hilarious.

Some of us look acceptable in our late forties/early fifties. We're not dead yet. 😜


This was so entertaining and hilarious yet dark, suspenseful and moving at the same time.

I have to see it again. I didn't think so. It wa definitely scalp. I googled it to be sure

Don't even go there. I was born in 1966. You do the math.

I don't know why but I'm gonna assume you were not joking.
It was a piece of the guys scalp and hair. I think the guy is no more.


Who wasn't that nice to it. 😬

I think she's gonna be around for a while ….but what do I know?

Yeah, I noticed that.

Great episode. The rat tail image is still burning into my retinas. I like the way this kidnapping played a counterpoint to his adderall induced nightmare. My husband was like "it's just a dream" I was like "no, it's real" too real.

You don't think the adderall sequence had humor or lightness? The Seinfeld commentary? The jumping around? The clothes dryer spinning in his irises? It was so dark and so funny.

What he said.

It was frightening. Who could turn Seinfeld into a disturbing almost psychotic break? Wow.