
That's fascinating. I bet it's not going to pan out …but who knows with this show? That would be tragic.

Didn't get that! Wonderful. What song was it? ….if you remember

It was harder for me to watch cement being poured into his mouth. The agony of that would be terrible. Even though at the time I had a feeling it was all an adderall fueled nightmare. The eating of the pills from the vomit was disgusting but not disturbing or upsetting. I absolutely loved adderall Elliot. He seems

Oh, also, that laugh. I have never seen a scary laugh done so well. Rami, you frighten me. The bandage and dark circles under his eyes make him look unnatural and more ill than he did during his morphine addiction phase. The healthiest looking part of him was his glossy hair. Now it's partially hidden. With the hoody

I have been waiting for this. The online promotion they do is unusually attentive and amazing. They sent me and my husband t shirts last season and one this season.
Am I the only one who finds ice Angela a little pathetic? She has to recite affirmations?
Also, is Elliot finding religion? Please do not make Elliot find

I still think Stephen is a gifted comedian and I still monologue entertaining. I don't watch all the interviews. I do pine for the Colbert Report days. I got to see one of the last shows in NYC and it was great. Right now I am liking Seth Meyers. Still, I have no patience for all the celebrity interviews on any of

It'll be easier to simply expand the plans for the wall once Donald is president. Escape while you can!

I'm hoping for a True Detective/Hamilton mashup.

This movie flopped because Bowie was not in it.

Orange mocha frappuccinos!!

Religious zealots just liked it better that way……

Why did Constantinobullshit get the works?

The part about Holocaust remembrance made me tear up. It was almost beautiful. These people were doing the right thing…as right as could be done after such an atrocity.
I agree with him politically but I haven't cried watching a Michael Moore film since Fahrenheit 9/11. This is his best since.

They just disappeared? Like, um, abracadabra? Like, um, what's the word…..

I love They Might be Giants approach to ridiculous songs. They cover them. And it's hilarious and wonderful. They did "Bills Bills Bills" for the AV club as most of you guys likely know. They do it on tour and it makes me crack up.

But without "American Pie" we wouldn't have Weird Al's Star Wars take on the song. That is a sacred part of our culture!

It should. It was so great

Just saying, that pic heading the article wouldn't fool anyone. She looks like a SIM from the early 2000's in the second pic.

I miss Jon. At least he's not hanging around doing nothing with his spare time, though!

I know. I love stories like this. Jon is great.