
He may be did. He may be did what? He may be did!!!

I'm always hopeful for poor Martha. 😔

I liked the unicycling with the wheeled walker.

I love that "the dress" made it into the montage. Better late than never.

This shoe is what television should be. That is all.

I almost cried.

It sounds much more positive.

Oh god, when he fought his ex bully who was now in a wheelchair.

OMG the resemblance is there.

I enjoyed it. I would have given it a b plus. Also cancer AIDS. .. for old times sake. I did like the mom robot.

That Santa episode should be part is classic television history.

I thought it was funny. Not super sophisticated but a lot of meat for those who know Trump's backstory. Being old and from near NYC I remember Trump in the eighties. Mostly, I marveled at how they got Depp to look like that.

It's really the only explanation that makes any sense. It's one giant piece of performance art.

Every text tweet and FB post of mine will now have the appropriate screen cap now!!

Lime disease prevents scurvy at least.

I had read, years ago, that many punks, upon meeting their idol, Bowie in the late seventies, were seriously disappointed at his lack of political fervor. It used to be that punk style equaled rebellion and political revolution. Bowie was more interested in style for style's sake and in his art. Even in this he was…

Yeah .. but Bowie smoked for so many years…in addition to other things. My best guess, as a physician who has been Bowie obsessed for decades, is that he had lung cancer that spread to his liver. I don't think it was actually "liver cancer" (hepatocellular carcinoma) associated with hepatitis C which was what Lou Reed…

Poor Larry. He has to add hair to be as bald as Bernie. Love Larry… and Bernie.

I was 22. I had already been infatuated with Bowie for years. I have not recovered from my infatuation. Thank god.