
This is The Onion, right? I mean this cannot be real.

Isn't Val Kilmer like seriously ill? He has lost weight… (he needed to but not like this) and has some sort of neck/ear nose and throat) tumor? He is declining treatment for religious reasons? That's what the interwebs say anyhoo. I hope it's not true… because obviously that sounds ominous for him.

I think he is currently ill. It sounds like he has a "tumor"(benign or malignant.. I don't know) in the throat region and is declining treatment due to his religious beliefs. He has lost a lot of the extra weight… not that that's a good reason to have lost weight…

Gay Perry: Look up idiot in the dictionary. You know what you'll find?Harry: A picture of me?Gay Perry: No! The definition of the word "idiot"! Which you fucking are!

"Star Trek Continues" is a good web series They even get the sound of the swooshing doors on the Enterprise correct. http://www.startrekcontinue…

Today is a very important day. I intend to totally celebrate. It's my son's eighteenth birthday. :-) Better than this Columbus dude.

You might want to get a home rather than live on your coat. Just saying.


Finally saw "The Martian"… It was good.. but it didn't blow me away or anything. Also, that was NOT Matt Damon's body when they showed him after he lost weight. Just saying.. the legs were too long etc…

To me, bicycling in a city seems much scarier than driving. I let my license expire once and had moved to another state. I had to retake the test and learn to parallel park for the test. That was interesting. I don't know how I'd function without a car. I would be fired. There's nowhere to get for within walking

We still had a great time and he's still brilliantly hilarious. But, yeah, they coach the audience.

No. It was at the report last summer.

They always goad the audience to be louder. At Colbert we were coached to scream his name. At the DS last year it was similar if I remember correctly. I'm okay with it. :-)

Wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube men… of course.

When I went to a taping of the Comedy Center the audience was told "You are a character in the show. You have to be loud" They coached us for twenty minutes before the show.. at least.

They goad the audience into this, of course. You wouldn't believe the coaching that the audience got for his Comedy Central show. They spent twenty minute revving us up when I went to a taping. It is fun if you're there.

So great. It was horrifying to see Angela seem to go over to the dark side. It was also weird to have a protagonist who was so friggin confused about what's was actually happening.
Also eerie how topical this show is. The fact that "Lenny" brings up the Ashley Madison hack is only the beginning.
Personally, I think

I loved wwdits and I loved this. They seem rather different I haven't seem Grey Gardens but I feel like I have. I seems to have influenced so much.

Ditto for me. I've never seen Grey Gardens. I laughed out loud at this. There is something about these characters that felt familiar and sad. The animals were great and the ending killed me…so to speak. :-)

Omg. Your dad sounds so cool. My dad just sang "If I had a nickel I'd by a pickle." No, seriously, I'm not kidding.