
Missed that! This is one of those shows I'll have to watch twice. Thnx

Oh my heart. I don't think I could take a more exciting season than this. This was the boring exposition? This series is magic.

I can tell you it's definitely not German because i understood none of it. I thought it was Swedish but maybe they had both actors speak in their native tongue. I know the actor playing Tyrell is Swedish. He looks so perfectly Nordic..like an evil male Barbie.

When they were going to the cemetery it was obvious what was was going to happen. They let the viewer stay one step ahead which was perfect. To didn't spoil the reveal figuring it out made it all the more satisfying. Watching it play out was heartbreaking. I honestly did not expect them to spend the entire episode on

Oh no, I love the credits. The Mr Robot logo was perfect. I'm old enough to remember that font when it wasn't retro and it now makes sense. The name of the show is so odd and overly simple. Yet, with this backstory, it's exactly fitting.

Okay, so is Darlene really his sister? She was quiet when he said it. If he's Mr Robot, then they're twenty yrs apart in age. If he's Mr Robot's son, then is she Mr Robot's daughter? Why isn't she in the pics, then? I'm skeptical. I'm also obsessed with this show. I could watch it like a hundred times.

Deliberate blindness.

I am still hoping that Stephen will marry me. It's okay, Stephen! You can do it.

This is my least favorite life. No wait… my least favorite life was when I was a cat lady. Never mind.

Late… but here's the link anyhoo. ->

Yeah.. my two Siberians fulfill the same purpose…

Lazy? All that scribbling took a lot of work, dammit! ;-)

"Rumours" … "No no.. it's all true"

Me neither. I like Noah. I haves hopes for a different but still good Daily Show.

I still love the Daily Show. I love Jon's emoting and self deprecation and politics. I admit it. I hope Trevor is half as good. So far he seems like an incredible guy. He is definitely different than Jon but has his own brand of wit and intelligence. I like him.

The secret is their incredible self awareness and deft hand at comedy. Everything is perfectly timed and taken to the right extent.

sigh….. :-(

I'm am truly distraught that the inimitable Peter Dinklage has made a movie with Adam Sandler and that it looks as bad as you would think it would. Peter…. why????

My sympathies….