
Loved this. Two great and brilliant guys.


'Growth?" I would imagine they meant cancer. Tragic.

This article has me even more pumped to see them later this month in Brooklyn performing Lincoln in its entirety.. or nearly all of it anyway according to the description. I cannot wait.

Cannot wait to see the Late Show in NYC. I'm gonna try to get tix. I am having severe Stephen withdrawal.

You guys are all embryos!

You are joking. Right? I'm turning 50 next year. Talk to me in a few decades. ;-)

I still think Bill Maher was right. Donald is part orangutan.

Right? The ONE thing you can know from looking at him for a split second is that he has zero fashion sense… or self awareness.

What's most impressive is that Pete Dougherty is still alive.

How can they have killed Ray Velcoro off already?

Are we sure he's dead? He was shot twice so it doesn't look good. He may have been wearing a bullet proof vest?

Oh god.. I hope so. I would so miss political Colbert. I am already dying a slow death without his show. Don't leave me Stephen!!!

As far as I remember, she was injured and had surgery after that. Wouldn't call that "a leg up"

I loved the song in the bar. So great.


All I can see when I think about Bob Odenkirk now are toes… Toes!!

I was a doddering old woman of 38 when that album came out but I have great memories of the album. I still want to dance every time I hear any FF song. Love them. Love their energy.

I was 38 in 2004. sigh.

Because while both parties are corporate whores, the Republicans have entirely gone over the edge and want armageddon to start in the Middle East. They do not believe in climate change. If you think Democrats are bad you are right. If you think that Republicans are not ten times worse.. you're wrong.