
Damn… you got to it first. Still, I'm too lazy to delete mine… sorry!!

Yes. Jemaine's features are too deep set to be classically handsome.

I have that on a t-shirt. I think I got it seeing them locally. I miss FOTC so friggin' much.


Campy horribleness. It was bad.. in a good way

He should have won in the end.. :-)

Such an enjoyable movie. "Eat the pasghetti!!"

That is disturbing. I think he's pro union in general but apparently when it affected him directly he became petty .. if that story is true. :-(

Me too! (except for the jiggly part) :-)

Ah I remember the days. I loved 120 minutes.

There is no god..


You knew Dinklage's star was rising when you watch this. The charisma comes through. Great movie, not fast paced.. but great

48 is good, though, right? We're cool??

The title of the episode "The Musk Who Fell to Earth" has to be a take-off on Bowie's "The Man Who Fell to Earth" - - just in case someone missed it.. . :-)

Watched Larry Wilmore's show from Thursday.. and Portlandia… Poor Candace with her multiple heart attacks. "Exorcise??" - turns head around

I love this show so much. Amazon why are you so wonderful but so evil?? #sigh

meh.. Great on this show, though. :-)

:-) That's okay. It's okay to feel that way and still enjoy the humor and poignancy of the show .

I do understand the recent criticism of Depp. They are well founded. However, I thought I was the only one who appreciated his joy in inhabiting camp. I love seeing someone joyfully perform in full ridiculousness.