
He, at least, looked relatively normal in The Rum Diaries. I mean he played a Hunter Thompson type character.. which is so not normal. But he played him more as a straight man about to be transformed by experiences. (The LSD scene was magnificent BTW.. watch the movie for that alone!)

Looks on target

Grand Budapest Hotel was, IMHO, one of Anderson's best movies. I would like it to win but I doubt it will. The momentum seems to be with Boyhood which I still have to see.

Oh god. It would be like picking my favorite child. Sometimes Charlie is so amazing and Frank coming out of the couch years ago will always be classic. Dee paired with Dennis is great, though. :-)

Alas it was a facsimile. The real Boss Hogg (Sorrel Brooke) died in 1994 (thank you, google) Still funny..

I love the Charlie subtitles :-)

So happy to see Bret and Jemaine on this list! I miss those guys.

The end "Star Trek" montage was amazing, IMHO. That's all.

Yeah.. I laughed out loud. It was pretty much worth the entire episode to me. I admit it. The Karl and Lenny pic was priceless. :-)

OMG I just watched the grapefruit video. I need to wash my eyes and ears out with clorox now.

What about Transparent? That show had so many amazing moments and was such a great study of a family and identity. It was also done with such amazing aesthetic qualities. Beautiful in every way.

Evidence for science and evolution. It's his new book.

Is Bill Nye's book, "Undeniable" - pop culture? I'm almost finished with that. Also, watched the end of "Getting On" on HBO. This show is so great. It should have had more publicity. It's a shame. Lori Metcalf was amazing. You love her, pity her and abhor her at the same time .. and I wont even get into Alex

Stephen and his alter ego "Stephen" made the horrible gut-wrenching shit happening in the world a little easier to tolerate while at the same time, refusing to minimize them. He was like a comforting guide through the miasma of modern abominations … and he sang too! It was only through "Stephen" that Stephen could do

Oh yeah. That's it. I knew I hit it almost right.

Lisa needs braces. (That's better. I had to add that)

Just smile and let the hooks do their work.

It tastes like burning.


He's kind of libertarian-y so he likely didn't appreciate the entirety of John's message. I love Lennon.