
Is that different from the original tarting??

How do you not know this will blow up in your face??

I still pine for that show. It had an incredibly warm heart. Things would start out with typical detective tropes and then devolve into friends talking about prostate cancer or giving each other verbal support. It's the best thing Ted Danson has ever been in.

I guess this joke was inevitable but, well just. …… sigh.

It's possible, if he had a resistant strain. With the antiretrovirals they have now it's less likely, though.

I'm a physician and. I'm thinking through all the medical possibilities which are pretty much infinite. Can't help it.

"Gay?! I wish! If I were gay there'd be no problem!"

I don't consider Mythbusters in the same category at all! Perhaps American Idol et al are a step above but I don't really watch them.

Not all reality TV but pointless non-interesting reality TV such as generic "The Real Housewives of blada blah"

Sigh.. would have loved Samantha Bee to have her own show. Wilmore is funny, though. I'm looking forward to it.

You, sir, are a poopie face…. ;-)

I loved the irreverent bit in church. Loved when lego Rev Lovejoy read the lego creation story.

Better to burn out than to faaade awaaay… #doh

I don't know enough to judge. Maybe his relationship with Vanessa was already on the rocks. Of course, famous men do this all the time.. I think they have much opportunity so it could be that he's being a selfish jerk…. sigh.


Ah.. the first link in the article is the same as the one below. I knew that it was part of the inspiration for this piece.

I didn't hate Tonto. It was amusing and I think that the Depp backlash is due for a backlash. But yeah, there is a backlash. There a countless "What happened to Johnny Depp?" articles online…

Still cannot stand to see any Pirates of the Caribbean movies though. I saw the first two… horrid. He may have been the best thing in them but that's not saying much, IMHO

I loved "The Rum Diary"