
The words were B+. The tone of the review was C. Perhaps some pristique? ;-)

Call me plebeian but I loved it.

Oh god, I watched this show as a kid… memories.

Okay now, you guys are just out of control. Can porn even be twee??

Honest mistake… I thought it was him for like half the screen time until I realized he was a bit too beefy..

I thought it was Alan Arkin for like half his screen time!

Well, I guess my daughter her boyfriend and I and the other people in the theater were pretty much all the people who will ever see the movie. What a shame. Seriously, I thought I was over Wes Anderson, but this is his most purely enjoyable film yet.. and it was moving in parts. He has such a fine touch.

Yeah.. great opening.

So wonderful…. There's just something about the mood it creates. The music is a huge part of that show.

"Love, exciting and new …Come Aboard. We're expecting you. Love, life's sweetest reward. Let it flow, it floats back to you."

And he was finally was able to sell some celery! (also, his wife gives a great hand job.."It'll be like sex for him.")

I disagree. I think harsh sunlight has done no favors for the WBC. They are so far away from the mainstream that coverage only hurts them. That's how I see it.

This episode was worth it for the guinea pig adoption scene at the guinea pig rescue alone. "Oooooh, albino!!"

ha! :-)

I agree with everything that you said. There are occasions to look at the bright side of things though. I was trying to do that. sigh..

What's so wonderful and beautiful about the Westboro Baptist Church is how Americans have reacted and how it's brought us together… Really.. http://www.msnbc.com/rachel…

Just need to find the right computer program…

"What kind of rows are those?"

Was he feeding the turtle bacon? And was that Fred's real nose in silhouette? wow. :-)

"The Celery Incident" is, IMHO, peak Portlandia..grandiose and hilarious