

One more thing. What was the deal with the father? How long had he been dead. I definitely felt some "Norman Bates" vibes at that point.

That house… argh.. I may never watch an episode of "Hoarders" again. Also, that poor dog.

The darkness is immense and foreboding but the light still shines. #myrecap

I can die happy now.

Needless to say, True Detective was the highlight of my "pop culture weekend." My hear rate is still recovering.
Also, I listened to the Eagulls new album while on the treadmill. It's great exercise music but I'll have to listen to it when I'm not sprinting to comment more on the lyrics
Oh, and there's the minor detail

I watched through my fingers

The darkness is immense & it is all around us but the light endures #TrueDetectiveFinale #myrecap

The darkness is immense and it is all around us but the light endures #TrueDetectiveFinale #myrecap

I know so creepy… so wonderful

The two headed Brett/Jemaine creature in the "Prince of Parties" video was genius… hilariously disturbing

Noooo, it's just a little dust in my eye from the path that you left when you said your goodbye" "I've been cutting onions. I've been making lasagna….. for one."

Who wrote "Robots?" .. I've always loved that one…well, okay, among many others… "I'm not cryyiiiing. It's just raining…..on my face…. My eyes are just a little sweaty today."

I miss FOTC… sigh

When I was a kid we had two kinds of M&Ms and we liked it that way. You young'uns and your type two diabeetus….

Nah.. I'm not a fan of pretzel anything… sigh.. and I live in Philadelphia. I may have to move now..

I made blondies with almond extract and chocolate chips and an entire bag of almond M&M's… so delicious.

One thing people aren't emphasizing about this show is the amazing music. I mean, for me, that goes a huge way towards the amazing atmosphere and emotional connection.

"..and I don't have the constitution for suicide." - happy stuff :-)

perfectly said.