
You guys are really some sick sick fuckers….. Love ya..

Yeah… makes sense to me. Rust is an anti-hero but he's not the villian.

Yeah. I get that feeling as well. I mean, with all his healthy lifestyle preparation…. Seriously, though, it's about the loop and he sees no reason stay in it…. or would he be rejoining the loop in death?

I never watch stuff like this. It's full of death, despair, complexity and violence and it's going nowhere good. Oh god, it's wonderful.

Beloved C…..

I think that it really depends on the severity of the COPD…

Amazing movie… still hurts my brain. :-)

He seems so healthy but who knows?

It depends on the severity of the COPD i.e. his oxygen level at rest and with exercise and his lung function his FEV1 and FVC and DLCO. Are they 50% of normal? 80% (unlikely) The fact that he needs a scooter at the airport leads me to think it's in the 50 or 60% range or less…. That's not incompatible with many more

I am happy to see I'm not the only one who immediately thought of Bowie. I will miss his presence on this Earth, even though I've never met him (dammit) One thing is certain, though, he's had a full and exciting life. I mean, I hope he has many more decades but he has already lived more than ten people. :-)

Definitely, Nimoy… since his diagnosis of COPD has been publicized it seems more real.

Not one of them thinks about the way I feel. Nobody compliments the meal

The prime minister found out about them? Has he finally achieved a new cell phone and his own business cards?

It's certainly possible for a fifty year old woman to die of a heart attack but it's not super common. I wonder if she had other health issues.

The internet is people.. and we suck

The Colbert ad was the clear winner, IMHO. I am going out to buy pistachios now!! "Pistachio" :-)

"We no longer say yes, instead we say affirmative. Yes, affir- affirmative. Unless we know the other robot really well"
"The humans are dead..Once again without emotion.. The humans are dead dead dead dead….."

There have been over 60 ODs from heroin in the NY and PA area from heroin that's been spiked with Fentanyl… Wonder if it was that batch. Fentanyl is super potent and even a little mixed with heroin might be enough to interfere with consciousness and respiration.

Saw him on Broadway in the early/mid 2000's in Long Day's Journey into NIght with Vanessa Redgrave, Brian Dennehey and Robert Sean Leonard. They were all amazing, but he stood out, even in that crowd….

There is a nobility in Rust..