
I'm not saying that the channel is "meh" just that when I see me and another letter or two I see that word… If that says a lot about me .. ..mea culpa. .

I always see it is "meh" TV, even though I know there is no "h." Just thought I'd put that out there.

Regarding Danny DeVito; In the 70s he was amazing in Taxi, which was a remarkable series. Thirty friggin' yrs later he is in another great comedy series (although the tone of "Sunny" is almost a 180) and does a wonderful job. He even looks almost the same. How many other actors have pulled this off? I'm talking to

I watched Taxi in reruns as a kid and have always loved that show. Funny how Devito has had a second life on tv with "Sunny" which I also love. He looks the same… just a little more debauched. :-)

I have Simpsons sheet music and we have some sort of compilation disk with "Canyonero" "Hail to thee Kamp Krusty" ""The Itchy and Scratchy and Poochie Show Theme" and the always epic "Who Needs the Kwik-e Mart" (Homer's a delightful fella. Sorry 'bout the sal-mon-NEL-la) - good times..

That was hilarious… "e-meth" :-)

Kate McKinnon is good in everything she does. I laugh just thinking about her sketches…. "People, stop putting things up your butts!"

Sometimes it's too much. I don't like to take the journey if it's gonna leave me mildly upset for days…

There was a study regarding short stories with twist endings. Subjects told the ending ahead of time actually enjoyed the reading experience more. Call me weird, but I always like to be prepared. I hate bad surprises and I love to watch for foreshadowing.

I just saw it for the first time the other day and I was disappointed. It seemed so pedestrian and white bread/Ned Flanders…..

Did I watch the same episode? I was almost teary eyed at the end. It was harsh but sweet and making the characters unlikeable, I felt, was a brave move. It was an excellent episode and a perfect end to a great season. Hope it's renewed…..

I watched A Christmas Story for the first time. Yes… the first time… oh the shame I felt never having seen it before… completely gone now. Why? It wasn't that great (please don't hurt me.) No original ideas .. rather a mushy retro comedy without teeth or sarcasm. I guess that's what people want for the holidays… (okay

Such a hilarious episode. It was a tremendously interesting red herring when Jenna's husband started making away with the old computer monitors. I loved seeing the other side of people. Still don't get the Dawn/Patsy thing….

But what about elevensies???

Um, Rep John Lewis' "March" was not included?

They're opinionated and liberal .. but I find them factual.

Even liked Bowie singing at the end of the first episode during the credits ("Fill Your Heart" , a cover from "Hunky Dory")

As a resident and medical student I have worked in these places with all seriousness I must say that this actually brought me back. The acts of these employees that seem bizarre are actually common and totally mundane. Even the physical environment was realistic as anyone who has had relative in this sort of care can

Meh.. I don't read them for the music.. just for the political articles… . Doesn't sound right when I put it that way but I'm serious. The political articles are usually terrifying but informative.

I'm liking Groenland's "Our Last Shot" and I still love Bowie's "Valentine's Day" So many other good choices, though.. :-)