
I don't think him using it in the way he did is okay. There are different degrees of homophobia, however. On the Kinsey"homophobia" scale I give him a two or so with special high six marks for people like Larry Craig and Maurice Bachmann.

Despite his best intentions, Colbert has let the horrible truth slip out. He's a good son and decent family man. Don't tell anyone. I blame Saul Alinsky.

Honesty in advertising, at least, Mr. Douchebag.

Obligatory groan…. "period pieces". Oh, I get it.

Well the videos do showcase their characters' personalities. Brent's was egotistical and insecure and swarmy. Stanley's video is all about attitude and enjoying life.

"….that goes back to at least to the turn of the century. "    Urp! Usually, you hear that phrase regarding the 19th/20th centuries rather than 20th/21st.  Not wrong..but a little, unsettling.