
@TheGreenMan: I would actually tend to believe the placement from both schools is close to what they advertise. The programs are so impacted and hard to get into that they tend to weed out the casual students and what's left are the hard working, more driven ones (generally speaking, of course).

@odjiti: Okay, my bad! That's a direct copy of one from the other. Never assume which direction the copying went, though. People who engage in this behavior often have very odd motivations.

@odjiti: Are we looking at the same 2 pics? In Linda's I see 2 front views of a zombie girl in purples & skin tones w/glasses. In the other I see green zombie girl from the side w/o glasses. No court in the land would call one a rip of the other. Only similarity is they are screaming and have rotted cheeks.

@CSX321: I can't speak for tuition levels being lowered, but I seriously doubt that they are. Occula, care to illuminate?

@odjiti: Close in theme, but nothing else, imho. Whatever happened to Linda, anyway? She used to be so present on CGTalk years ago, then a copied work/paint-over accusation popped up and she disappeared.

@Occula: I never said the students weren't talented or that they shouldn't pay for the privilage of attending Gnomon. What concerns me (and a lot of vfx employees) is that their labor is being turned into additional (cheap) profit.

Gnomon is a good school and its students produce a lot of great work, but there's a highly controversial segment of their operation:

This is a good read, but if you really want the whole (looong) story, check out this interview from a few years ago:

It's pretty sad that every headline of this story is "he was banging his boyfriend when police reached his home", rather than the "grabbed 2 beers, popped an emergency slide on a commercial plane and quit his job in the most spectacular fashion imaginable". But no. Jeez, it's the 21st century and everyone (and by

Sorry, you lost me at "...pioneers have traveled to another planet to begin again".

Is there a size requirement? Seems an enterprising engineer could balloon-launch a small rocket with a toy rc car in it for maybe $50k to $100k. Just use the bouncy ball landing system they used on Mars (though with the moon's gravity it could take a while to stop bouncing).

Personally I like the alternate titles that were rejected better:

@hdgotham (Hannah Wilson): Geena Davis played the president, and she's like a poor woman's Meryl Streep. Very, very poor.

If there are no elderly black actors available to portray the president, I nominate Kurt Russell. Space Cameo ftw!

@Groucho Marxism: Ha, that's exactly what I did a couple months ago. Honestly, I don't quite see what all the historical hubbub is regarding ST. I thought it good, but it left me thinking "is that it?" He goes through training and....nothing, really. Interesting, but not exactly gripping.

I loved loved loved this book, so I'm both sad and excited to see a movie of it. It's a great sci-fi/love story/time travel epic on a very human scale and would make a pretty great movie (in the right hands of course). But I can't help but be pessimistic since Hollywood is nothing but a money-grubbing meat grinder

Our family had one of these when I was 9. In 1972.