
Wow, that's a real find! I've seen (and own one) Mead's USS books from the 60s, but have never seen or heard of this book. Apparently neither has USS, who have a blurb about it on their corporate site but no further info. A quick search produced nothing for me. Would be interested in hearing any more about this

I'd take the Hotelicopter over this shiny turd any day:

@Starlionblue: True, but it's still not as preposterous as the uber-tech of "Red Mars". The future tech in that book was off the hook: an endless supply shuttles, planes, blimps, domes cities, nuke reactors, skyhooks. It's like Earth was made of money and all new tech just magically works the way it should.

@gods-n-clods: I'm guessing either it's making some cinder blocks happy in somebody's yard, or sitting at the bottom of one of those stacks of flattened cars in a field in Pomona. It *was* a 1970s Mustang II, after all.

@Sparq: I disagree that this doesn't belong on Giz, but agree fully that this in no way should be called a "concept" design. While a helicopter built out of jet engines _seems_ like a concept of sorts, it's really just design school wankery at its finest. Like this site full of this junk (which I happen to love, but

In '78 I won an airbushed mural in a radio station contest. I didn't own a car yet so I sold it for $100 to my friend's dad, who we convinced to get a Darth Vader head. I still recall how gloriously dorky that Mustang II looked with Vader and a TIE Fighter on the hood (there was only one image in the prize, so we

Looks like another beautiful cover by Stephan Martiniere:

I like my Chasmatonic shaken, with a twist 0f lime.

#18 - That's too big to be a space station!

I, for one, welcome our new greenscreen overlords and admire anyone's desire to push this filmmaking technique farther. But while I love Duvall and a good PA story, this seems kinda cheesy. C'mon, the streets of PA NYC are clear enough for a 1920s gangster car chase? No upheaval cracks or crater-sized potholes?

@Edward Chadez: NP. My bad for getting the book name incorrect. I pre-ordered it so long ago I forgot the title.

Mead has designed every kind of vehicle, both for film and real world clients for over 50 years, so he has considerably wider breadth of work than the dystopian Blade Runner stuff. BR was actually more of a deviation from his more common shiny-happy style.

Wow, I absolutely loved Day 26. Fantastic short.

Amazing, but the music track blows. Thanks, kingcrim84 for the SotL link. I'm a fan and it works about a thousand time better. Really makes the whole thing more emotional.