I tried warning you people not to look at the bouncing internet whores with the ass, lip, and tit injections but you stupid bastards didn’t listen and now they used all the water.
I tried warning you people not to look at the bouncing internet whores with the ass, lip, and tit injections but you stupid bastards didn’t listen and now they used all the water.
Has any Kardashian anywhere ever done anything of socially redeeming value?
Which one?
after listening to the whole thing I find a lot of was like watching water boil but someone turns off the stove right before you get the big bubbles. I’m That Girl, Energy and Move stood out the most. At this point I know it's a cliche to complain about Beyonce being overrated but...Yea.
making Renaissance a conversation between Bey and the icons who came before her.
Because it’s awesome?
Metallica fucking rules!!! ,\m/
as if she could tell you three sentences about black ballroom culture
any of her products NOT drowning in “self-love?”
I think it would be interesting to get a review of this album by someone who is not already predisposed to loving Beyonce and everything she does. She’s the kind of artist who has such a ravenous fan base that it’s honestly difficult to find people talking about her releases without going into fanzone praise over…
What? Who the hell gives a fuck? I’d rather watch a six-part doc about the “My Neck, My Back” girl
I’ll take Complete Disinterest for $1000, Alex.
Safe for everyone except for the girl her hubby raped & anyone who thinks it’s super fucked up to stan for someone who tried to bully her into silence. So just for blind cultists here, then?
good, i thought she was an idiot
Sounds like Ms Palmer’s ego is writing checks her talent can’t cash.
This is... not a well written article.
How many trailers is this fucker going to have?
Go Go Gadget Reputation Management!
Sorry I’m not positive about the work of two JJ Abrams acolytes. Maybe THIS TIME the Mystery Box will be to my liking after two decades of never enjoying opening them.