
“Lets his metaphorical aspirations get ahead of the nuts and bolts of clear, cogent storytelling” - so it’s Us, Part II then.

Us” was very overreaching and dumb too, so this doesn’t surprise me.

That age range is super fucked up but 18 isn’t a child, come on.

This. Sounds. Bad.

Even in a cartoon, someone like Hank being oppressed in some exotic land is exactly the kind of toxic online strawman that is morally reprehensible for a studio to turn that into a motion picture in 2022.”

Slurp that boot

AV Club is pathologically horny for Dave Chappelle at this point. I wonder if they ever consider how much free promotion they’re giving him.

Mary Kate Carr continues to make a living criticizing the work of other people with actual creative talent. You bottom feeder.

Cancel culture is really not as effective as we were promised,” written ironically.

Usually I don’t appreciate the snark around here but I totally understand why you would be attacking a website that was “floating a lot of odd language in its coverage” or being “weirdly reticent” to acknowledge something obvious.

^ case in point

Did anyone expect AV Club to choose any other character? There is no conceivable metric by which BP could be considered the greatest Marvel film character but he certainly is the choice that signals that one holds fashionable opinions the loudest.

Sarandos just wants an excuse to say the N-word at dinner parties.

Thanks! Didn’t know this was streaming.

morning of July 29"
I’ll make sure to tune in for when this happens in the future.

What’s wrong with welcoming someone to Earf?

Clicked the article to make sure Primer was on the list, was not disappointed.