
@Renzo: I wouldn't doubt Amazon would exclude student accounts.

@DrakeDatsun: I...ah...uh...good point, sorta depends on the canon, in Legends he has a hand and then wears a cannon, in the main line I believe he has a hand that can come's not here.

@fearing: We both only got All-Stars without world in the anniversary. My bad, The +World cart was US only, surprisingly.

@Zensation: They left out Super Mario World. The Anniversary pack was essentially just Super Mario All-Stars, but any fan knows Japan got Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World. The 25th ann thing ONLY had Super Mario All-Stars, No World, which makes no sense.

How about releasing a bundle pack that leaves out on pinnacle game, Like all the Metroids except Super, or all Zeldas except Link to the Past, then it'd be just like Mario's anniversary pack.

@TimeNeverRests (PS1): Other animals never thoughtlessly kill children to feed themselves...right...

That's cool and all...but where's my Half-Life...

@Skunky: It's still incredibly hard to find people to trade and battle with locally.

Oh hey, cool, a list of not-just-internet memes :D

I'll say yes, the biggest reason, I don't have to wait to see it in person to see if I care. That's the problem with 3D, you can't show me a screenshot or wow me unless I see it for myself.

@GreekGodIGN: First I have to correct my previous statement, I had the wrong number.

@excaliburps: Proper 3g Should have about as much connectivity as a cell phone signal. WiFi is spotty and depends on open signals or signals you know the pass to.

@mrantimatter: And $325 was not too much for a Game Boy? We can't forget we're just hitting speculation though.

@mrantimatter: Go look up the inflated price for the Game Boy and then look at your argument.

@Rossum: @ijustwritebooks: @somebodyoranother: I, for one, am excited to hear you're all 5'2

Tron or Wander

@BiddyBalboa: Why not just use both handhelds? This is far different than consoles.

"Third parties have shown demonstrations of Yakuza 4 and Metal Gear Solid 4 running on the system, with Activision announcing a Call of Duty for the new PSP."

@gullwingxtreme: It's Sony day/week with the new announcements. Kotaku runs in cycles, Nintendo wank, Minecraft wank, Sony wank, etc.