
@Renzo: I wouldn't doubt Amazon would exclude student accounts.

@DrakeDatsun: I...ah...uh...good point, sorta depends on the canon, in Legends he has a hand and then wears a cannon, in the main line I believe he has a hand that can come's not here.

@fearing: We both only got All-Stars without world in the anniversary. My bad, The +World cart was US only, surprisingly.

@Zensation: They left out Super Mario World. The Anniversary pack was essentially just Super Mario All-Stars, but any fan knows Japan got Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World. The 25th ann thing ONLY had Super Mario All-Stars, No World, which makes no sense.

How about releasing a bundle pack that leaves out on pinnacle game, Like all the Metroids except Super, or all Zeldas except Link to the Past, then it'd be just like Mario's anniversary pack.

@TimeNeverRests (PS1): Other animals never thoughtlessly kill children to feed themselves...right...

That's cool and all...but where's my Half-Life...

@Skunky: It's still incredibly hard to find people to trade and battle with locally.

I'll say yes, the biggest reason, I don't have to wait to see it in person to see if I care. That's the problem with 3D, you can't show me a screenshot or wow me unless I see it for myself.

@GreekGodIGN: First I have to correct my previous statement, I had the wrong number.

@excaliburps: Proper 3g Should have about as much connectivity as a cell phone signal. WiFi is spotty and depends on open signals or signals you know the pass to.

@mrantimatter: And $325 was not too much for a Game Boy? We can't forget we're just hitting speculation though.

@mrantimatter: Go look up the inflated price for the Game Boy and then look at your argument.

@Rossum: @ijustwritebooks: @somebodyoranother: I, for one, am excited to hear you're all 5'2

Tron or Wander

@BiddyBalboa: Why not just use both handhelds? This is far different than consoles.

"Third parties have shown demonstrations of Yakuza 4 and Metal Gear Solid 4 running on the system, with Activision announcing a Call of Duty for the new PSP."

@gullwingxtreme: It's Sony day/week with the new announcements. Kotaku runs in cycles, Nintendo wank, Minecraft wank, Sony wank, etc.

The only game that has made me feel aggressive urges is Minecraft, and it's not really the game that does it, it's the poorly executed potential I see whenever I look through the mods on the forums.