
And thus you perpetuate the cycle. If the "Race Card" wasn't used then there would be no "Race Card", you even used the terms "black folk", and "multi millionaire", why do you feel the need to label people because of their skin color or income?

That's usually where all the data goes for anyone.

I have a 2GB plan on my phone, and if I want to max it out I actually have to put forth a ton of effort to use all 2GB in the month. Otherwise I only graze about 1MB, 2GB is a LOT more than people think.

>Why should you pay 25 for 2GB?

The original Marth-based SNES Fire Emblem got a Re-Release Everywhere on the DS, it's pretty good.

Someone want to list the prices of all the iPads and iPods? Because I'm pretty sure the numbers are shocking.

@DEC1MUS: It's been stated time and again that Twin Snakes had major framerate issues and was made too easy by the inclusion of MGS2 gameplay elements. As well as the RIDICULOUSLY overpricing of the game, this is not a valid addressing.

@HalLumos: You want movement? Then be a part of the company that makes the first gay protagonist.

@Titch007uk: 1. You're mostly right, but they've failed. I went to the BW Mall Tour, NO ONE was using Underground, there were only like 4 people in the UnionRoom and one of them had hacked pokemon.

@Sir Beefychu: Some of the Notch Hate is not the Gamer's own Expectation that they made up, but trying to hold Notch to his OWN expectation he set up and has seemingly dropped overtime.

@Angel7ED: Actually, having played the game, this really was REALLY spoiler-free, everything was kept to prounouns so characters aren't spoiled, none of the actions are mentioned, and anything that has a spoiler is put in a link.

I found a hidden Mug collection...

Lolwut, no graphics card? You are clearly the one who is joking, unless you mean an integrated card, but that's still technically having a graphics card. You also didn't clarify if you meant Classic or Beta.

Beta or Classic? Beta you need at least 3 GB Ran and 512mb gfx to run it smoothly, and run it 4gb ram while avoiding a memory overload, my friend has laptop that can run l4d, l4d2, fallout:nv fairly well, but Minecraft always manages to give him memory overloads. It's a poorly optimized game that needs a fairly

Best Debut Game for a Beta Test Pre-Release...wait wut.

@fELIXADER: Should've been a KH tie-in (or just had mickey being epic :/ ) or had mickey not forcing enemies to turn good against their will, or killing them...damn mickey.

@asmallcat: Go recreate it then start saying it's not impressive, this sort of circuitry gets really complex in what minecraft gives you, we only have logic gates.

This colection sucks though, it should've been Super Mario All-Stars + World, and then maybe tack on World 2?