
@MaximusDM: Achievement Unlocked: Ultimate Sacrifice

@ELUNO: I loved it, since the american version of the show was so...plain.

@Shnyzx: There was a whole Doctor Who Episode about that sorta thing, actually more than one...There was the one in Doctor 3: Season 7 , and I think Doctor 10: Series 4, with the first River Song appearance :D practically Zombie Ghost Astronauts.

@artdude102: OBCY as I've seen in a number of the other posters.

@Krakenstein: Thank Arceus there is no Hurricane ROLLOUT

@tzed: Having Two of Thirty-Three having the same interests and enough dating space?

September 20, 2010? IT CAME FROM THE FUTURE!

@Wolfsheim: Why did this never take off? It's like Ace Ventura!

Too bad, the princess was in another cubicle.

@VincentGrey: With price cuts come feature cuts, I agree with you, I got mine as the MGS4 bundle, I'm glad I adopted that early.

When are we getting Day of Disaster? That looked so ridiculous and fun...


YAY, Ico was really missing out on the 16:9 progressive scanning that SotC got...but I understand why.

@Austin Stephen: What about kicking the horse would you...Move wands ON YOUR FEET OH MY GOD

@Hahaue: Yeah, I tried to edit it cuz I saw someone's correct spelling, but the editing got effed up today :/

@Mrugby08: You must hate The Simpsons then.

@Hunter2458: It's awesome how they broke editing at the same time I start making mistakes.

woopy, now how how do I update the usb on my laptop? I don't? do I care...

@razo18: You mean a placostamous(sp?), which eat algae, but aren't strickly speaking called Algae Eaters in pet stores.