rillweid - Now with more TRD and less TDI

When my Spider blew a head gasket years ago, it hit me.

It’s almost like by saying that NC State isn’t a rival, it gets NC State fans super riled up, which definitely isn’t the intention of telling them that they’re not rivals. Which they aren’t. Duke is our rival.

I’m in for an SRT-71.

Thanks! I’d just like to mention that when I bought this car it was a salvage-titled nightmare ten seconds away from being scrapped, and now it’s traveling the PNW on adventures with we weekly, while still handling DD duties and the occasional track day. Dreams do come true!

You’re like Rafi from The League, but somehow worse and stupider.

Wrong. Every Sonata I have seen only has the third brake light working. EVERY. GODDAMN. ONE.

It might seem obvious, but TEST THE MOTOR BEFORE REASSEMBLY!
Also, test the actuator before reassembly with the other door hardware.

I was about to say: Ford, do you REALLY want to emulate Mitsubishi?!

Count me in with the pissed off.

The amount of dense people I’ve seen accross different comment sections today, spouting that this isn’t sexism, just a matter of Michelle Williams not knowing how to negotiate her contract, is infuriating.

Yep, he binned a Jag F-Type in The Perfect Road Trip 2.

Paging browndogwelding: You called this.

I used to have that flip phone. It kind of fit in my pocket when I was wearing period appropriate baggy pants. I think it cost in the neighborhood of $500, and $.25 a minute to talk. In 1995.

Red water was already burnt, so this water can’t catch on fire like other blue/clear water, duh.

...and like the RX, it will give Lambo more money so they can do more racing or build more rad sports craz!

Steel columns meant to come down clearly in place. 

What? Someone will pay $20K for that POS but not $21K for a brand new Journey?

You fail to mention that in Australia, the horses run clockwise around the track.

Next article about MI Drift : Trying to Drift my $400 2-door Cherokee