Undocumented Shirker

It is possible that one of the side-effects of a giant lizard apocalypse might be that abortion is no longer easily obtainable?

Yes, but they won’t admit it, due to “smelt it, dealt it” rules.

Or House of Leaves. Has anyone bought that up yet? Danielewski has gotten awfully obscure since then and I don’t have the patience but that was as rewarding as it’s reputation suggested.

The biggest problem with Ulysses is how many male authors took exactly the wrong lessons from it and decided they could write books about their self-insert pooping and jerking off and think they’d get praised for writing a masterpiece. It’s sort of like the Grateful Dead or Tarantino where all their imitators took

If you don’t fuck feathered bipeds, then you’re scared. You’re a big chicken.

They should postpone this movie until it’s been, say, six months since the last U.S. gun massacre, thus assuring that it would never, ever be released.

Watched this with girlfriends parents and her brother and his wife. All of them NRA, trumptards, except my GF. They kept yelling trumpublican and nra talking points every time a kid would speak. Was brutal. All were in agrreement....”If I had a gun I would’ve shot him in a second.” “Need more guns in school!”

Sir Billy Snedden, an Australian politician, died “at the peak of physical congress,” as the police put it. Nearly 20 years later, his son was involved with the same woman, and made sure to notify the public that his father assuredly died happy, saying, “Anyone would be proud to die on the job.”

Stations of the Cross (33 AD)


Feeding of the 5,000- (31 AD)

Hello fellow line straddler! I like both as well, I just like deviled eggs, period (and can put away an embarrassing amount of them), and will accept with relish, without and even with a little chopped fresh jalapeño on top!

I’d like to point out that today is Lemmy’s 72nd birthday.

I’m pretty sure “I fear that it will quickly escalate” is the primary arugment for it being a bad idea.

...but He’s a zombie!

try Lunesta.

Spanish-American War. He fired it up as Secretary of the Navy then resigned to found his Rough Riders and went over to fight in Cuba.

I think these women are saying they did Nazi this coming.

Controversial opinion: Wonder Woman was kinda bad.

Yeah fuck Morrissey for having strong principles about horrific animal abuse and double fuck him for having strong principles about police brutality? I don’t even get this stance. I didn’t love seeing that video at his show either but do you...disagree with the message? For some people it may be an eye opener. It’s