
This isn’t an example of racism, it’s an illustration of where anti-racism education was back in 2001. Concepts like “micro-aggression” and “mimicry” were not part of the conversation. People didn’t know the difference between a culture and a costume.  

Lots of people in the comments are saying that there is an

I would like to see how the NDP govern at a national level, but until they are higher in the polls, I won’t take the risk voting for them. Also, my riding has always switched back and forth between Conservatives and Liberals, so voting NDP in my particular case won’t do anything.

Winning is keeping Andrew Scheer out of the PM’s office, because Andrew Scheer is a terrible human being.

That’s some good politicalspeak

I am aware that you don’t need a majority to form a government.  That being said, I want to vote to make sure that the Conservatives don’t have that majority.

I’ve lived all over Canada in my voting life and have only once lived in a riding that didn’t end up, every federal election, with a pretty even split between liberal and conservative with the other parties trailing so far behind they hardly counted. The first time Harper was elected, the margin between Lib and Con in

99 is such a gem!

Why is this show “deeply problematic?” I am assuming it has to do with whiteness, as this is how white people code for “too many white people”

Haven’t we learned from the 2016 election? I understand you Americans are slow learners, but don’t fuck things up for Canada.

Did Trudeau fuck up royally? He sure as hell did! What did he do about that? He apologised and owned up to his mistakes. He didn’t defer blame. He recognised he was in the wrong and said he will

100%! I laughed loud at that too.

Yeah, vote for a third party who won’t win, split the progressive vote in your district, and be represented by a Conservative. You don’t directly elect your PM either right?

The Ralph Lauren collection is a joke. Aside from the plain turtle neck (which you could get anywhere else), nothing is reminding me of what the Friends wore. And there are so many Rachel outfits I’d actually want. Specifically in the first couple seasons. They couldn’t even get her plaid skirt right - it was red ffs.

Obviously this is really inappropriate and he shouldn’t have done it, but saying you’ve “always been more enthusiastic about costumes than is sometimes appropriate” is hilarious.

A lot, not all, but a lot, of the people that will bring this party up as proof Trudeau is racist, will be the same people accusing him of “destroying the country with immigrants or “bending over backwards” for people of colour.

I’m pretty sure I’ve seen every episode of Friends at least twice, although I’m not entirely sure why. I loved the show as a teenager, but watching it again, it just seems very tired and laugh-track-y (yes, I know it was a studio audience, but it’s still kind of annoying). And yes, a lot of it doesn’t hold up very well

I said in another post that he’s not exactly my favourite PM, but considering the alternative of another Conservative government, I’ll hold my nose and vote for him.

Honestly, with this and the other scandals plaguing Trudeau, I getting really disheartened with him. But the fact is, I’m going to hold my nose really tight and vote for him. Why? Well, the most important reason is to stop the Conservative party from getting back into power. After 9 years of Stephen Harper, I’m sick

Oh no, how horrible! I guess they should vote for infinitely more horrible Conservatives!!!

While Scheer is absolutely the devil, Trudeau needs to do better than this and really own up to his mistakes, especially considering his wokewashing.