i like this idea with the canadian bacon b/c i do not care for bologna. points to you!
i like this idea with the canadian bacon b/c i do not care for bologna. points to you!
I had an overnight flight taking a northern route and had a window seat on the north side of the plane for the flight. Someone asked me if I could switch and I told them no. They complained that I was being unreasonable as they were offering an at least equal, if not objectively better seat (apparently it had a a bit…
yeah. I have an upcoming trip, we booked our tickets months ago. Unless you are offering me better seats, im not moving. Fuck that woman for not booking her tickets in advance. I spent the time to make sure i got a good price on a flight of my choosing and had my choice of seats where i wanted. Someone who didnt…
Agreed with all of this, with one exception: if the captain/pilot tells you to to move, you move.
If they tell you to do the truffleshuffle, you do it.
Sue them afterwards and win big, but while on a airplane, the pilot is a dictator god. Same with the captain of a ship.
Document everything, get witnesses & video, and…
If the seat is a similar spot (aisle for aisle, etc) I’ll usually oblige the request.
Recently an older gentleman asked me to switch his middle seat for my aisle seat and said he had bad circulation in his legs. I agreed since it was a short flight, even though I specifically picked the aisle because I’m taller and…
No way I’m switching seats so that I can get my legs crushed while some lady who wasn’t paying attention while booking can not feel bad about her incompetence.
I would also like to point out that the FB ads for this company popping up in my feed constantly tout their inclusive size range. It wasn’t until recently that they carried more than two styles above 40, and it’s still limited. Their touted “1/2 size” range phases out above a B cup around 36 as well.
Out of morbid curiosity, I went to Calloway’s instagram. She has 784k followers, and most posts gets about 1k likes some more some less. That is a terrible fucking ratio!
Here’s my essay: I also was friends/roommates with a magnetic pathological liar for several years. It was bad and shitty. When I was 23 I told her I was moving out and that she should get therapy because no one could trust a damn thing she said. Last I heard she had a kid and I felt sorry for it. The end.
I have the same dilemma when someone is wearing tights that are translucent in the sun. Is it worse to tell her (embarrassing, probably too far from home to do much about it) or not tell her?
TIL that swim meets in Alaska don’t immediately give all competitors concussions upon diving in.
At least have some decorum for the office; That’s PPABOTUS, thank you very much!
tl;dr. Lost me at the beginning with “hashtag” written out. Lost me for good when she wrote “retarded”.
I learned a rule from a friend a while ago, and have come to believe in it 100%.
I didn't care much about this one way or the other until just now. The pictures are a silly nonissue, but so was her campaign in general. And the line about being a mother to all the babies in the country was just bizarre and offputting.
@Tmoney02: Exactly. I already don't care about these kinds of things and have actually thought, while someone was taking a pic of me, this would prevent me from being elected. Because plenty of people want their politician's to be better than them. But also because people love to hate.
@afeversomeday: I firmly believe that indeed starting with our generation - we will just shrug our shoulders about these things, since pretty much everyone will have a youthful inappropriate photo or two out there on the web.
"And I have a message for any young woman who is thinking about running for office and has ever attended a costume party with her husband or done anything stupid on camera. Run for office. Fight for this country. Don't let this sort of tactic deter you."
The Republicans are only in favor of their male candidates sucking on dildos.
Bush snorted cocaine. Clinton smoked weed. This woman licked rubber and had the unfortunate luck to be born to parents with an interesting sense of humor. I say she should be a shoo-in.