
Yeah you did, remember how Blake Griffin won Rookie of the Year in what was technically his second season in the NBA? Or maybe how Joel Embiid is eligible for ROTY in what is his third year on an NBA roster? Stay woke, man.

Not even a chuckle -1


I really appreciated your take on the Jim Harbaugh formation, as well as your back and forth with the guy commenting on it. This is also a good comment. +1 rescinded endorsement


176 stars for that shitty played-out joke? You’re a sellout John Maddened and everyone knows it now.

Is the lowest hanging fruit tasty?


To be fair, for the millennials to have things to fix, the previous generations would have had to have broken something first. Maybe the boomers should fix their mistakes that currently plague the next generation instead of acting like they were never wrong in the first place. Can't wait till boomers are replaced by

Wait, but they can allow their players to break the law during the regular season though?

Id say it's a great look for Morey, Green and Bogut got away with some bush league basketball. If you broke the record for wins in a season, you should probably be above doing things like this. I mean Draymond Green tackled someone and got no foul. Clearly there is a collective bias that the Rockets are loathsome, but

I find that to be a slight misrepresentation. The first round of the NBA playoffs is very mundane. A James vs. Johnson narrative might actually make a few people curious enough to watch. I wouldn’t pursue watching the game, but I am certainly interested to see how this matchup might play out. I think the trash talk

You were right at least. They didn't win 65, they won 73 and broke the record.

This is great and deserves more stars.


SHOW US YOUR PENIS IF YOU WANT TO CRITICIZE LEBRONS! But seriously what a strange thing for someone to ask. Taking Lebron dickriding to an all time high.

Let’s be fair here, it is possible that he was checking if Dirk had a hernia. Rather odd he didn’t ask him to turn his head and cough during the examination though.

That is a great comeback for an idiot. Fuck you, man. You're a disgrace to humanity, a mole on the ass of Charles Barkley, a sperm in the scrotum of Dwight Howard. Eat my dick, loser.

Woah! Criticizing not capitalizing a sentence is quite the strong rebuttal. Counterpoint: You're one high functioning idiot. While some people may be hipster-douches (as you so eloquently stated), you are just a doucher troll with no real substance, and an exceeding lack of intelligence. The photoshopped pictures are

hey straw man, where did Tim make that inference you speak of? I think that is an inference you made. Is it a "douchebaggy" thing to do? Not that that's a word or anything but you could try using a thesaurus to come up with a real one to articulate your point. I digress, you have shown that you are not very bright in