
Cheerleaders don't have to do it if they don't want so we shouldn't feel bad for them. Okay, fair enough, but how about we get rid of unions and benefits for policeman, firemen, politicians, garbage-men, NFLPA, NBAPA, construction workers. They all could chose to do other jobs, so we might as well pay them all below

This guy is a jabroni.

Nothing more impressive than a 1 v 1 layup after 23 seconds of dribbling. Not to mention Usher really let himself go.

Typical pickup game at your local YMCA!

Did that man really just do the worm? I do not know if I can root for the Seahawks anymore. Buncha thugs breakdancing.

His eyes appear to be quite red. Must be all that hookah.

That video just reminded me of all those poor, abused animals from that commercial. Fuck.

I personally would prefer if Durantula stuck more. Imagine a re-imagining of Durant as a spider. Nothing but net could become "nothing but web". At least its not the Hoosier daddys(Paul George and Lance Stephenson), that one made me want to puke and the one sportscenter anchor Neil Everett just about creamed straight

You do realize that that clip was at the end of the third, right? lol But either way it seems as though you have an agenda behind your words. You are just trying to nitpick things and don't except them the way they are. What else would you want Sherman to do in that situation, send a card to his house? They are men,

I wonder if he got a touch down.

"Richard Sherman is a straight irrogant nigger."
Hes one of them negros that water that there farm. When the Crabgrass start pokin thru the dirt, he gon pluck em'.

Jerry Sandusky:[Reads article]

"60 Minutes would be better if it was hosted by Ron Burgundy"

-Will Ferrell

You need to learn what it is to be a fan, it is not about looking at the reality of the situation. It is about rooting for your team as long as they have a chance. It seems as though you have already written this one off as a loss. San Fran doesn't have our number, the games are always fairly close(until our defense

All these just scream "My penis is smaller than 2 inches"

haha +1

Can anyone help me? I seem to be confusing a bookcase with Conference Championship games.

"Maybe if I sniff Tony's farts, I too can become a mediocre quarterback"

Dez was simply acting as a conservative, he was crying because he didn't get his way, just like every republican has been for the past 6 years. I have no political affiliation, I just find it annoying that you find the need to bring it up in this conversation. Got much love for Dez, keep doing what you're doing, which

Its almost like hes threatening the league. "I don't want to have to take out someones knees, you know over some dumb rule". The smartness is strong with this guy, he must really know what hes doing.