Dudicle of Doom

Have you ever given your opinion on a matter unrelated to your profession? Have you ever given your opinion on a coach’s decision, a politician’s platform, a tax plan, an actor’s range, or a geopolitical issue? Surely you’re not an expert on these matters, so maybe you should stay in your lane too.

Go fuck yourself.

If your knee jerk reaction to every shooting is to worry more about your toys than the shattered lives of your fellow Americans, you might suck as a human being.

No. You’re missing the point. The point is that nobody, and I mean nobody, needs to be able to buy an AR.

That’s not the point, if this guy hadn’t been able to buy the AR because the Air Force did it’s job then someone else with an AR would have filled the void and given us another shooting. It’s like clockwork and individual agency failures can’t be scapegoated as the culprit.

If people want to effect change, real change - they gotta stop having conversations with the NRA and their ilk, who’s sole job is to stop limits on gun proliferation.

Big talk from a guy who guy who’s built a career around encouraging shooters.

Ball’s not a bust yet, but his expectations should be commensurate with his draft position. Butt.

I’m forced to read this as trolling. Okafor is reeeeeally bad. He would not make the nine-man rotation if the players on this list were a(n extremely awful) NBA team.

It turns out you can build a pretty good team with unlimited money

Billy confuses ‘flashy’ with ‘good’. It’s why he likes Ben Arfa and Deulofeu so much.

As a United supporter, I’m thrilled to see City getting the sports blog equivalent of a needle in a voodoo doll - the stamp of invulnerability from Billy.

Every fucking year you write the “welp, City has won the title” article before December and then they lose it. God damnit, Billy.

Randle is not bad and is in fact good.

You’re not going to believe this but Julius Randle is 38th in points (tied with Russell Westbrook), 35th in rebounds and 22nd in blocks per 48 mins out of all NBA players. Pretty good for someone who sucks.


You just responded to a post about basketball metrics by invoking a football metric. Please tell me that you understand how absurd this is.


This reads like an article by someone who doesn’t actually watch NBA basketball, but plays a lot of 2K.

These young players belong in the toilet. Thank you.