LOL. Yup. Smacked the piss out of him. For sure. I’m suprised he didn’t black out after such a devastating blow. Her hand might have even touched him.
LOL. Yup. Smacked the piss out of him. For sure. I’m suprised he didn’t black out after such a devastating blow. Her hand might have even touched him.
the big man is afraid of the little drunk girl
Yes, in fact. His hit stunned her
You have bad opinions.
That was not a proportional response.
This is just flat-out wrong. There are certain occupations that require a person to absolutely, unequivocally, always be the voice of reason, calm and clarity despite the whirlwind going on around them.
I think I would use my awesome idea brain to come up with a vague idea or two about how I might be able to secure the weakly flailing arms of a hammered person, and not need to throw a Tough Guy™ haymaker over it. You seem like a gun owner. Do you empty your magazine at every mosquito that flies by? Does the constant…
We had an off-duty cop walking his pit bull shoot a great dane that was on the great dane owner’s lawn. He said he gave it a “verbal warning” before shooting.
So this is the only college football you’ve seen today, huh?
Lots of folks in the greys looking for “justifiable” reasons to just straight up deck a woman. Y i k e s.
Good to see Ray Rice back at work.
Uhhh... what?
Shoot her eight times? She’s white though ...
True, this anecdote definitely takes precedence over all the data to the contrary.
It’s a cops vs black people problem first and on a bigger scale. And since they’ve gotten away with it for so long they are now also trying it out on white guys and girls.
Did I miss the part of the video where they shot her a bunch of times?
That went from “haha they’re carrying her out like Rudy” to “Oh shit that cop should lose his job” real quick!
Jesus Christ, Buddy. Yeah, she’s drunkenly swatting at your head. Did you really need to “neutralize the threat” by punching her in the fucking face? Was it that scary, really? Why not just fucking shoot her 8 times next time?