Unfortuntely Andy Reid wasted all of them
Unfortuntely Andy Reid wasted all of them
Gee, I’m real sorry your mom blew up, Rickie.
Yeah, I’ve had some players hoarding molten giants so that they could play a master hand. I had them down to almost nothing, and then they pulled out a
You can have a lot of fun w/ Lock Joint if you have good stealth ability given the number of opponents staked out on tall things. I’ve watched a couple dozen raiders and supermutants fall to their deaths while paralyzed. It’s reminiscent of the slomo railing scenes in Dredd if you watch the falls through VATS.
What you are talking about has never happened. Only instants are instant, and the creature card thing was just a name change with no functional difference whatsoever, they are still spells, along with every other card that isn't a land.