
If you’re trying to show boobs, why isn’t Mickelson on the cover?

Yes, that is how that works in this particular instance. However, free market only works if:
A. You're okay having public policy being decided solely by those with disposable income and primary those who buy lots of things (whether they make responsible purchases or not).
B. There is enough transparency in the market

I'd say "Too soon" but I hate being THAT guy.

Favre: Where'd you shave?

Terrell Suggs tried to sell his tickets at face value which made the price plummet.

You're thinking of Applebee's.

The Oklahoman on 1/15:

On the Origin of Speciousness

Needle goes in, thread comes out, you can't explain that.

We have a winner folks

Through ten weeks, the word "Redskins" has been spoken during televised NFL game broadcasts 605 times. Through ten weeks in 2013, that number was 1,040, meaning "Redskins" mentions are down 42%. "Washington" references are up 10%.

the only thing for us to do now is to eat shit

Luckily for John, he'll always consider himself part of The Amazing Race.

It may be a mystery now, but if the video is grotesque or horrifying, we know it will be posted down here soon enough.

[Ray and Janay Rice walk into the commissioners office to find Goodell sitting in a large ornate chair]

Would you consider yourself a bronie?

I remember a few years back a fake football player also made the rounds on a bunch of shows, and then the Raiders drafted him first overall.

That GIF could impart valuable commentary to an article about someone from outside of NY making a poor life choice.

I think the conspiracy goes a bit higher than NBC.