That and its sequel were such great games. I could spend hours just tooling around.
That and its sequel were such great games. I could spend hours just tooling around.
They most certainly do sell chassis cabs in America. Both truck front end versions and van front end versions.
Remember Jennifer Wilbanks, the runaway bride who claimed she was abducted, then was charged with a felony?…
Now I'm picturing a version of Escher's "Hand drawing a hand" painting as a penis entering a butt, which becomes another penis, which enters back into the butt of the first penis....
My wife used to work for an upscale department store managing the handbags and accessories section. When they'd get returns that had only slight damage or something, like a tiny spot on the bottom or a scuff, the employees would be able to buy them at ridiculously discounted prices. Like 20 bucks for a Coach bag…
Her mother's solution was to top off Maisie's grandmother's cup of gin every time a pair of tits popped up.
I was trying so hard to figure out what show "New Girland" was....
I have the Mini, the VW Bus and the big F1 car on my desk at work. I am eagerly anticipating the LMP racer that's supposed to come out this month....
Duncan Donuts has announced they have a program in place where employees are encouraged to write "Equalitytogether" in frosting on all pastries in order to open a dialogue about sexism.
Feminists United on Campus (FUC)
At this point, I think it would be fair to say that range anxiety really isn't the issue and never has been. It's recharge anxiety. No one would have range anxiety in a car with a 5 gallon fuel tank, because they know they can fill it up any time in a few minutes at any one of a million gas stations. If I drive 200…
Landing strips are preferred, but no hearts or boyfriends names.
Maybe Chloe Sevigny visited a midwestern KFC test store and now she has ass teeth. That would make anyone grumpy.
I think Rowan Atkins SIARPC showed he could go toe to toe with Clarkson. Ready replacement right there. And more than willing to match the humor of an orangutan.
That would be Hammond.
His favorite car must be the Ferrari La Ferrari.
I didn't realize the subway scenes on Broad City were ACTUAL real life video...
Someone has to take the bullet and be chief editor of the John Mayer Sex Exploits Wikipedia page.