
"Do the hangers match the shoe rack" sounds like a VERY strange come on line.

Sorry, had to do it.

TWO terrible earworms in the same post?? Shrayber, you're a monster.

Question deleted. It's been answered. I'll remember to google things in the future instead of annoy people by asking questions.

Does this also mean that Jessica Simpson does NOT design her own ankle destroying shoes and Cindy Crawford ISN'T a furniture designer???

Ohh, well that makes it better.

Jeezus. I gotta go find Pinkman and get this shit out of my head....

They're just angling for a nerdier demographic.

I thought maybe it was short for Fleet Week.

"Did it happen a fourth time? I might have blacked out."

What a bizarre rant. Nearly the entire comment section is populated by armchair economists trying to make the obvious point that this was a blunder on GM's part. Sorry that I agreed with someone pointing out that this decision was based on more than just Europe. Your wording or joking did not set you apart from the

Thank you. It seems most commenters are quite ignorant on just how popular the premier league is all over the world.

Man U is one of the most popular teams in the world, not just the UK. They have rabid fans on every continent. It was a good deal to make.

These are the kind of humans that make me hate humans.

I wanna trip that guy with the obnoxiously gigantic stabilizing arm tripod thing.

Don't forget the height measurement on each door.

We're all doomed!