Right Wingnut

This will be one instance where username-comment synergy won't be true.

I am going to be hung over tomorrow. I just hope it's a happy hangover.

Also, maybe they filled in the wrong bubble!

Maybe in a couple of years we'll all look back on this and laugh and laugh and laugh! Because it is the only entertainment we will have after the nuclear fallout has settled.

SEX CAULDON? I thought they closed that place down!

I wonder why he decided to not wear his Klan outfit to the rally. Did he think it would have been too on the nose?

I'm reminded of a photo from of a Trump supporter from a rally where they wrote down why they were voting Trump. This guy, who naturally covered his face up, wrote "Things were better when slavery was allowed."

The one nice thing about being a cord cutter is that Hulu hasn't really run any political ads, at least none that are disgusting. The only ones were attack ads against Tammy Duckworth, which I laughed at, since it was from some SuperPAC and tried attacking a Purple Heart Veteran for being soft on terrorism since she

"You can really feel Peter Morgan’s reverence for an era in which journalists and photographers were considerate of the royal family’s feelings."

I'd say Les Whinen outta do more thinking and less whinin!

The frighteningly prophetic world of Maximum Overdrive is coming true!

Plays rimshot

I play the same way. And really, it's only fair, because after you fight the defensive part of the war and go on the offensive, everyone else will find you to be a brutal warlord and start eyeing you with suspicion, and nothing you do will ever fix the relationships.

I Newton this thread would have puns!
*Plays slide whistle*

No. I think they realized they needed the snarkiest staff member to write this up. O'Neal put down his whiskey and got to work.

A better question: is this more or less pathetic than those that will comment on a porn site?

*Sees headline*
I bet it's O'Neal.
*Clicks and opens, checks*
Right on.


I'm not a fan of the Cubs. I'm a Cardinals fan, but damned if I didn't cry when you guys won, and damned if I didn't have a bit of whiskey to celebrate. Congrats, all!

As long as he gets a monkey side-kick, I'm in.