He took a little too much LDS.
I won't take time to do a list, but to this day I still love The Search for Spock. I watched both 2 and 3 the most as a kid, for the reasons we all know about Wrath of Khan, but I also enjoy 3 (even though, yes, it has its problems).
You know, I would have loved a "Data's Day" type episode from both Seven and Torres. Moreso from Torres, since all her episodes dealt with her being angry at her heritage or something else bothering her and making her miserable to herself and the crew.
If they had gone with Ron Moore's idea, that by the end of the series you would barely recognize the ship due to all the scavenging and trading for broken parts, and if they had focused on growing all the characters evenly (instead of six episodes of Seven followed by a very mediocre Chakotay, for example), I think…
Thanks! I'm excited, and then terrified when I realize I'll have to do Graduate level quantum mechanics and E&M.
Good luck! Hope it all works out for you.
I got into a Doctoral program for Physics. It's a smaller state school, but in a metropolitan area, but more importantly, it will give me full tuition wavers and a decent enough stipend that I can live somewhat comfortably.
This show is the dumb fun Gotham wishes it could be.
No, I think Guillermo Del Toro looks better, being a human being and all.
It's always weird when scientists in one field act like experts in ALL fields. I think it comes from how science shows are done. In order to fully understand a process, you will collaborate with other scientists in the field or fields you aren't working in. But on a show, they can't have tons of talking heads, so if…
Is that Erin Hayes from Children's Hospital I see as the beleaguered hotter-than-he-should-get-wife?
*Man in splenda costume looks from behind corner, notices you, runs away*
I've learned the hard way after getting into a prolonged argument about global warming with my family that my worldview and theirs does not mix, so I actively avoid any political/scientific topic with them if possible.
I tell you this with all sincerity and no snark/sarcasm: this joke will never get old.
Yeah, I'm usually the same, because it's just a game. But something about that NPC just made me feel sorry for her, so I walked out with Elle and let her live to see another post-apocalyptic day.<\spoiler>
Nothing makes me smile more than remembering his sweaty panic as he realized what was happening, no matter how many times he wanted to throttle everyone around him.
I'm a big fan of the Battlefield series, although I missed out on Bad Company and all that due to college (the first time). My friends and I have a regular full squad, and have played enough BF4 to last a lifetime. If you enjoy it, I'd definitely pick up Battlefield 1. Basically, if you are playing and think to…
Edited to make sure I remembered how to use the new spoiler system.