Right of Lenin

leave it to the pros like JJ Watt and Curt Schilling smh

Yeah, the NCAA sucks, but kinda so does UH here.

This complex question has been fully worked out. See just war theory for more.

I’m friends with a lot of UT Austin alumni. It’s Like a party every game day.

I love how moral relativists and post-modernism have given murders a basis and foundation for obfuscating and decontextualizing their heinous crimes.

“as a jewish christian”.....ok pal, its nice to know weird identity politics has permeated death row.

My favorite part of the letter was when he expressed guilt, sorrow, regret, and overwhelming sadness for killing two people! That was by far my favorite part

Someday, one of these guys writing to Hamilton is going to take an iota of responsibility for his actions. That, in turn, will allow me to feel some empathy for them. Until then, I don’t want to hear how the drugs you took caused organic changes to your brain or how the prison industrial complex is taking advantage of

I have to admit, when I saw this morning that Alex Smith had thrown for 368 yards I was really trying to figure out how he managed 125 completions in one game.