
Locker Rooms are really getting thrown under the bus here.

I think he thinks that this as a statement is somehow equal to Trump’s words. But semen on a dress in an consensual, adult sexual encounter is just gross sounding, nothing else.

It’s over already? LUL

I think Chrome hates a lot of these Twitter videos as well. What is the best browser these days after everyone finally got me to dump FF

HamNo has the “Gawker” philosophy correct, doxxing people wether it is a writer or an internet user is ok. If Jez is saying that the Univision policy is different, we should know.

Shows how hard it will ever be for politics in their country to come back from the partisanship. I mean there used to be a time when the majority of voters actually made a decision between the two candidates for President

Thing about parity is, it also applies to the draft. If your organization is behind to start, plus misses with first round draft picks, you can be caught in perpetual basement dwelling. Then what happens is you lose out in Free Agency, because the salary cap means that the cash evens out, and playing for a turd

So if they can’t find these emails, it sounds like it wasn’t so dangerous of an email system after all...

People used to use a sharpie to put a dot for when they were using a weapon that needed to scope in to fire. So they would have it pre aimed before they scoped

He’s saying he didn’t romance her, he just basically approached her like she was on a street corner.

But isn’t the past where Trump wants us to be brought back to? He saying we were great when the Clintons were in the WH? #TrumpLogic

No, fuck them right in the Donald Trump during the Vietnam War!

Even if it may not be 100 percent true

You prefer we let China test our systems? These small time crooks are healthy for the system as it is mischief, not malicious, and so we get to learn how to stop it or fix it without a high cost. If you let real cyber criminals be the sole stress testers, it will cost us Billions more

Whoah she’s 56. That age it isn’t a dab it’s called nodding off like a senior citizen. Unprofessional, even if you’re 22 to fucking dab during anything serious


This is clickbait for old people. Who really profits from these stories? I have to assume the media gains because there aren’t real facts, so they can spend extra time hypothesizing and fretting for the viewer and fill some of that sweet 6pm hour. More after the


But little Suzie is such a bright bulb! She is doing some science thing that is so far above my head it must be really genius!

Never take Noah out. 2 awful pitching calls in 2 WC games.

This still a thing? I thought we all went back to school for the Fall