
18 years!? Man starting soccer right out of the womb... sports parents are nuts these days is the real takeaway here

It wouldn’t be the same content. They offered product placement aka ads that Twitter can be sure are seen by their millions of followers. They said we will make vines with what you want in them 3x a week.

I guess I don’t want a President that would scoff when their science advisor came with some information, which is what this article seems to be encouraging. It is not a President’s job to be some walking wikipedia of omniscience, no matter what the public seems to believe. They have experts in a field to consult on

Hey idk maybe sliding is dangerous. Maybe like with speeding in cars, slower isn’t always safer. Maybe not defending yourself in the face of a high speed tackler means you will get hurt. Maybe people love “common sense” strategies so much it blinds them to the fact that it’s dumb as fuck to slide and hope that a



Kids have fun. We can be adults here. Too often people act like every real person lives like a fake ass character. If you don’t have multiple friends that did drugs at 20 you are the outlier. There’s a reason the DEA exists and flourishes... Yeah don’t do drugs but a lot of people do something to stimulate wether Red

What I love most is that this isn’t the A’s nor anyone from Smash Mouth, but two jamokes paid to run their Twitter accounts that got in a fight. That’s the best part. Two low level cogs blow up the news because they lost their professionalism

Hey if someone comes up with a hairstyle in the 90's it’s off limits to anyone else!

Nice try but I won’t join your team or visit your personal sales website! MLM is for suckers!

Because ultimately, to the customers who buy these cars—the only people who matter—these badges are utterly useless.

This isn’t NYC. That’s Stanley or Marty

I’m surprised that the Pink Hat guy stories aren’t in the “You May Also Like” spot tonight, since he’s sittin there in his seat

Yeah, you thought congress stonewalled Obama? Wait until you get a loon like Trump in office. It wouldn’t just be political gamesmanship, it’d be rational.

I think the finger in the photo says it all

How disconnected are two running mates when one has to officially reach out to the other and then report it in a press release? Would Obama reach out to Biden and then have the WH let us all know that he did? That line sounded so cold and manufactured.

Man headlines are really going to lose some empathetic oomph when these holocaust survivors all pass away. What will the next generation do to replace it? Content marketers are panicking.