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Wonder how he acts behind closed doors. Girlfriends aren’t steel framed either...

Glad you get the real meaning of it

This is a Harambe joke. That’s the satire about “all lives” in this case. It isn’t an anti-BLM act.

Someone just bit her butt where are the bodyguards?!

Wait, so if I beat a racist team I can also yell the N word as a taunt? This logic, only in ‘Merica. Well at least the two most racist states like Oregon and North Carolina


Whew the title had me scared they were going to fuck with New Jack swing

Simple answer, these are people who saw reality show confessional segments and thought “That’s my calling”

Damaging to the concept of body shaming by Rose. It is a real issue, not one to stretch and grasp for on a shitty reality show. Being given trust as a feminist authority isn’t free reign to toss important issues around for drama.

The way this is mirroring Brexit before the vote is uncanny. It was funny before when people were like “LOL this is all nativists like Brexit” but now you are getting the desperate waves of establishment basically yelling at the public “YOU IDIOTS IT IS AN AWFUL IDEA IN REALTY DON’T REALLY DO THIS”. Wow, 2016 might be

Adjust your monitor, there is a belt on both gentlemen in the picture.

Myth: CU’s won’t charge you stupid fees

Queen Mother really wish you’d stop leaning against her head tho

Weird cause they just said last week on NPR’s Marketplace that Oil prices had topped out and wouldn’t get higher for a while.

Dentists’ Big Game Hunt Society

Also those podium mics weren’t connected to anything

All that financial domination talk about Mexico paying for the wall... ooh, I’m getting a little hot here myself

The amount of movies and TV who used it as comic relief was equivalent to the amount of commercials that ran, so one could have thought it was a popular comedy cliche rather than a real thing