Myth: CU’s won’t charge you stupid fees
Myth: CU’s won’t charge you stupid fees
Queen Mother really wish you’d stop leaning against her head tho
Weird cause they just said last week on NPR’s Marketplace that Oil prices had topped out and wouldn’t get higher for a while.
Dentists’ Big Game Hunt Society
The amount of movies and TV who used it as comic relief was equivalent to the amount of commercials that ran, so one could have thought it was a popular comedy cliche rather than a real thing
It’s a rough world out there, trying to be the funniest, most witty about the debate when thousands of Twitterers and Redditors and Facebookers and other semi media people out there are all throwing their best efforts in, but tonight isn’t your best stuff Jez. Making the same joke as Howard Dean then dry humping it…
Odd I’m a Millenial Liberal and I thought she awkward Mom’ed her way to a loss. All the patronizing laughs and cringestar appeals to the Fact Checkers to bail her out were peak Nae Nae Hill tonight. At least 1st half of the debate, but most people were so put to sleep that the 2nd half didn’t count for as many points.
That pissed off look on his face like it isn’t his fault
He has said he doesn’t want to take away from the guys whose job it is to call the radio side.
You don’t think this show is scripted. Oof
Took me 3 viewings to remember to look for the feet in bounds, and then catch the view of both feet. Weekly reminder that Refs have to do this in real time and be right nearly all the time, to keep their jobs at the highest level
They could have also negated the TD when the QB released the ball in front of the line of scrimmage
Remember that this is the decision of the old man administration, and not necessarily the likely modern views of the boys on the team.
100 seconds to keep it 100?! Better not show up in my neighborhood ESPN
Which is how they became more valuable than the slightly more rare cards after we all did that
Trying to make a point about being able to bite his tongue in reference to Trump’s entire resume.
He had crazy eyes in another interview I saw like he is either Manic or on some old school pep pills. Something about running a marathon or biking I don’t recall, but he was busting at the seams energetic and we should all just take a careful step back from whatever is going on with this goof
I’m just wondering why it took Barry Bond’s head a whole career in San Francisco to balloon up and Luckey’s only a few years...? Can we get an investigation? What drugs has he been on? Maybe it is a side effect of Thiel’s immortality blood transfusions?
Oh shit I thought it meant in support of them shit I read bad