It’s patently stupid for both of these leagues to try to be launching within a year of each other.
Due to Hood’s refusal to play, LeBron has downgraded his handshake with Hood to “white guy who just closed on his house.”
banana republic’s summer collection! aeiiiii!
When you’re at the rave and the molly hits
You named your kid Dexter? And give parenting advice?
From the mug shot it looks like they caught him before he had the chance to go.
Can’t blame Lewandowski for this one though.
Bayern need just one goal to win the tie, but there’s exactly zero percent chance of it happening.
Funnily enough, “historically horrendous boner” was #3 on my ex’s list of “Reasons Why I’m Dumping You.”
Maybe we’re reading too much into this, and the simple answer is the correct answer: the Browns don’t know what the fuck they’re doing and this is further evidence of it.
Keep in mind that the line is painted under a few inches of ice. This can cause, when viewing from an angle as we are in this shot, the parallax effect that “positions” the puck in such a way that it even creates the illusion of white space between the puck and the line, when in actuality what we’re seeing is the…
Probably CJ.
His ego is what gave him thoracic outlet syndrome, required him to get Tommy John surgery, and gave him a stress fracture in his scapula, I agree. What a egoman!
NFL: “But does he kneel for the anthem?”
A family of candy asses.