
You act like he has lots of options. I don't think this was some bidding war. He's lucky not to be toiling away in the CFL with Manziel next year.

Interesting. The Rams as an organization don’t seem like the kind of people who make handshake deals with the league and other teams that benefits their organization while not taking into account their players.

It’s totally believable that they’d do this to avoid Hard Knocks. Jeff Fisher has a history of avoiding distractions from the regular season like preseason TV shows or postseason playoff games.

Wow. I didn’t even realize that the Chop Block was on the chopping block.

I’m probably being a huge asshole but I have trouble understanding how the non-custodial parents not paying child support are the victims here.

Barry this isn’t even a question. RGIII is a victim of the Subway curse. See the following examples ranked “meh” to “this is worse than the curse of Tutankhamun”:

I can answer this. I believe that Griffin is so broken down that he is no longer able to do the things that he could once do to cover up for his shortcomings.

Can we get some Goose donations in there real quick??

“Here’s 50 cents, kid. Go buy a pack of smokes.”

I honestly think the whole ‘hormone’ portion of his answer was him saying, as delicately as he could muster in a non-native language, “I bet it sucks to have to play tennis while on your period.” Which is probably true.

Dope comment.

I think Michael Irvin is more concerned with rules on who’s holding.

Add making me side with Fox News to the reasons I hate Donald Trump.

This is Trump’s other car.

This is like a bank asking for a bailout after all their executives mishandled millions in other peoples’ money. Like that would ever happen!

Something tells me him being the face of the company leaves a irreversible stain on them.

I’m so torn on this. On the one hand, the drug policy is the drug policy and it’s silly to keep smoking weed when so much money and playing time is on the line.

You’re right, when will they learn to just use the official substance of the NFL, alcohol. After all, this country has a proud history of drunks.

It’s outrageous, martavis, preposterous!