I'm right, which makes you wrong

The money’s way better in racing. If they had the skillset, they would move up to racing. They either can’t hack it, or simply don’t want to try that hard (i.e. lazy).

In the hierarchy, Foust is a racer foremost who happens to take part in drifting. Racers can “step down” and compete no problem; drifters can’t “step up” and hack it in the world of competition that isn’t judged.

Gymnastics is judged, so no.

Day 2 of the WYPIPO tour. (Formerly the WIPIPO tour, but apparently I’m a slang dumbass).

Felton, did you show up at Kalanick’s mother’s funeral and set up a little kiosk, displaying all the hit piece articles you’ve written about him and Uber? Seems like the type of shitty thing that’s right up your alley.

I’m going on my WIPIPO tour. I’ll be seeking out establishments owned by whites and will only give them my business. I’ll only be listening to music that was recorded by whites as well. If I am hungry, and there are blacks inside the restaurant, I won’t go in and will instead seek the most white-bread place I can.

Since The Root is one of the worst shitbag racist sites around, it’s my civic duty to post hard data from The Color of Crime, a major research project. Even though you shitbag racists at The Root will nuke this, every time I do it more and more people will see it before it gets yanked because The Root doesn’t want

“Being an American isn’t about shedding your cultural heritage to join this collective blob of stars and stripes. It’s a place where people from all over the planet have come to live together. That can, and should, include honoring where they came from.”

“The smoke, the smog, the soot was legendary.”

Rkone; seriously? Beth only wants to protect us from having CO2 darken our skies and make our buildings all black and sooty. Why do you want to thwart that effort?

Stephen, Stephen....no. Beth needs the government to tell her how to live her life. She needs to be told what kind of light bulb to buy, what kind of food to eat, what kind of car to drive. Beth looks at the photos above of soot and smoke and thinks “Wow...look at all that CO2 in the air; if only we would have

Look at all that CO2 in those pictures!! It’s filthy, black, and coating everything. Now that Trump has pulled us out of the Paris Accord, the cities will once again be black and filthy from all the CO2 in the air.

What a shit racist article, written by a shit racist. You’re doing everything in your power to minimize what this punk did, and then you top it off with an asinine chant that stokes racial tensions.

Yeah...Savali and basically every commentor here: you’re racist shit stains. You don’t give a goddamn care that blacks are killing blacks at an epidemic level - you only care when a white person kills a black person. Circumstances be damned; the white person is not allowed to kill a black person no matter WHAT.

FA has been taken over by leftists who have no FUCKING idea what they’re talking about:

Actually, fuck this racist blog.

Here’s why Gizmodo is just a propaganda hub these days. Since this was leaked out under Obama, they absolutely will NOT mention that. If it had leaked out under Trump (or because of him), it would be in every headline, and they would roll out article after article after article about his ineptitude, how he was

All the damage you describe in your post has been perpetrated by the previous administration. You’re either an Obama fanboy (most likely) or a functional historical illiterate to not realize how the relationship with our allies was catastrophically frayed by Obama’s actions (and lack thereof when there should have

Wow, another Uber hit piece.

Because the previous administration sat back and projected weakness while “leading from behind.” He let NK’s new leader grow bolder with each test, each violation, and let him gain strength over time due to inaction and “diplomacy”.