I'm right, which makes you wrong

“...a perpetual resistance to regulatory oversight...”

Your writing, and this fucking site, is one of the biggest BULLSHIT things women have to put up with.

This takes more skill than drifting does.

So, he’s a pretty good driver, FOR A BLACK GUY. Huh, Alanis?

Eight years - eight FUCKING years - of inaction by Obama helped accelerate this. Eight years of “Let Diplomacy Work!” policy by the left has brought us to the brink.

Another opportunity to post the ironclad fact that rally drivers are the absolute best drivers in the world, with NASCAR and drifters fighting it out for the bottom rung.

Fuck her.

Dear Black Community: You’re not special.

Oh!...it’s OUR fault. Thanks; the Blame America First crowd has set me straight.

Yet another example why we are pushing too goddamned hard to move to electric cars! Electric is the future; the far-out future. We have plenty of oil in the ground to get us by for the next century while we come up with battery and charging technologies that don’t suck. Right now they do!

but for fuck’s sake, we just elected a half-black guy who completely revamped and utterly fucked up the best healthcare system in the world while he was “leading from behind” and putting his boot heel firmly on the throat of the US economy, resulting in the absolute slowest and worst recovery. Ever.

Tirico has got it right.

I’m flat-out ASTONISHED that this article didn’t list “climate change” as a reason that the giraffe population is dwindling.

Ah, I caught what you did there to the image; nice! And I vote NP, as well.

Your data that LGBTQSKDKFJEKSJ homes are better environments is a fucking joke, just like any data that tries to prove conservative environments are better.

Wow; he lost the popular vote. So how’d that work out for you guys?

“Hate Crime”....not a real thing.

So I see how you guys work here. Any post that doesn’t fawn all over the Obamas gets nuked.

You can’t use the phrase “Shots fired!” Just like Palin can’t show a fucking map with crosshairs on it.

I’ve done both, actually. And speaking first-hand, I can tell you that drifting is fun; probably more “fun” than racing. And that’s the point; I didn’t have to try very hard to just go have fun. However, in the club racing, I’ve done exactly what you said and did about every boneheaded move possible, all the while