I'm right, which makes you wrong

So when Obamacare implodes, how are you going to spin it? There’s not a single Republican fingerprint on it. It’s been a disaster so far, and it’s going to collapse and take everyone still on it down with it.

That’s part of your problem; the previous cabinet was full of academics and bureaucrats who had basically zero experience running a company or business. You long for that status quo to continue, yet it should be painfully obvious the previous cabinet (and pres) was economically illiterate and had no idea what to do

How do you think the Greatest American of All Time would feel about things like Affirmative Action or hiring quotas? Try this thought experiment of bringing back MLK for a day to see how far we’ve come:

It’s hydraulic. Google it (the normal dirt bike) and there are tons of pics showing the hydraulic setup, etc.

Why are you (and many other writers here) so racist? So his race is newsworthy when it comes to driving a car? How? Why not make the article title something like “Hey, this guy’s a pretty good racecar driver, FOR A MEXICAN?” or some other such stupid thing.