
My god Daisy Ridley is adorable.

Boom, I'm down

I thought it was pretty good, but I viewed it more as just a modern riff on Brave New World and 1984. It was impossible to read it without those two in the back of your mind. Sort of like a modern retelling of a Shakespeare play. If you read it with that in mind I think its alright.

Lithuania is adorable.

Quite strange people, to say the least.

Did anyone ever see the boards for the 40 Year Old Virgin? Seriously, check it out. That place is crazy. It's full of women-hating virgins (incels, they call themselves). Truly bizarre to see their twisted view of the world. And kind of funny how self sabotaging they are.

"Alba delivers an empty burlesque of ennui"

How DARE you restrict my rights to explain my own jokes!

How's this for a kickass Corona ad:

Funnily enough, it may be corporate America that may prove to be America's biggest ally. Not saying they don't pursue some dogshit tax stuff and Government influence, but its doubtful they're going to go hand-in-hand with Trump down Human Rights Abuse Lane while millions are protesting.

Hey, America can't be racist against Muslims. They elected one twice!

Honestly, if Donald Trump came out and said "Yeah, I'm racist. What of it?" then a lot of people would respect him more.

I always liked how there was apparently going to be a massive boycott of the Force Awakens because it had a black main character. Then it became the second highest grossing movie ever.

Ironically, Germany is far more accepting of its past actions than most other countries.

True. And that's the difference between RSPCA and PETA. One is animal welfare and the other is animal rights. Bumping animals up to be basically "people" and then euthanizing them is pretty dumb.

PETA is full of nutty weirdos, but euthanasia is not inherently hypocritical. I used to work for the RSPCA, and they would cop an incredible amount of shit for doing it. Fact was though the animals were either in serious pain, or they were so aggressive it would have been hugely unsafe to rehome them.

He may have space madness, but that's no excuse for space rudeness.

Reminds me of the various sex tapes that pop up from time to time. Apparently Paris Hilton is a dirty whore, but Jennifer Lawrence is a victim of hacking. (NB - I'm not saying we should say JL is a whore, I'm saying we shouldn't be so harsh on PH)

I get it about once a month. A good technique for waking up is staying calm, and trying to move your fingers. I found if I chill, focus on clicking my fingers, I can wake up easily. Give it a shot next time.

Well, someone is a grumpy gus today.